The Path to True Success by Sonny- WA4EX
What is wisdom?
Wisdom is the key to a life of beauty, fulfillment, and purpose (Prov. 3:15-18). Wisdom is the skill in the art of living life with every area under the dominion of God. It is the ability to use the best
means at the best time to accomplish the best ends.
How do we pursue Wisdom?
The treasure of wisdom rest in the hands of God. Since it comes from above (Prov. 2:6)
(James 3:17), we cannot attain it apart from Him.
What are the conditions for attaining wisdom?
True Wisdom can only be gained by cultivating the fear of the Lord (Job 28:28) (Ps. 86:11) (Ps.111:10) (Prov. 1:7) (Prov. 9:10).
What is the fear of the Lord?
To fear God is to have an attitude of awe and humility before Him (Prov. 15:33). It is to recognize Him as our Creator and to have complete dependence upon Him in every activity of our lives.
Why has so few people developed this fear of God?
The temporal value system of this world is based on what is seen, while the eternal value system
of Scripture is based on what is unseen (2Cor 4:16-18) (2 Cor 5:7). The former exerts a powerful
influence upon us; and we struggle with giving up the seen for the unseen.
How can we choose the eternal value system?
This choice is based on Faith (believing God in spite of appearance and circumstances; and faith
is based on trust.
How do we grow in faiith?
Our ability to trust God is directly proportional to our knowledge of God. The better we know Him, the more we can trust Him.
How can we increase in our knowledge of God?
We become intimate with God as we talk with Him in prayer, and listen to his voice in Scripture.
The better we know God, the more we love Him and want to respond to His desires for our lives.
Faith in God is simply trusting Him as a person; and trust is manifested in action.